Haus PResidential

60ies Bungalow and Atrium Garden
The bungalow was opened to the secluded garden. Large windows and the new trench flood the rooms with natural light and connect the inside with the outside.
The inside was totally renovated, walls were displaced, sanitary facilities were modernized and an under floor heating replaces the radiators.
The interior design concept implies a clear color and material concept. Neutral tones (white, grey and oak) built the background for a colorful family life.
  • Category: Residential
  • Client: Privat
  • Completed: 2011 March
  • Photos: Sabine Bungert
  • Press: Schöner Wohnen Oktober 2014
  • Awards: 1st price Schöner Wohnen Wettbewerb 2014 "Die schönste Modernisierung"
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Modernisieren. MŸnchen, Haus Payr, Kinderzimmer von Silas (8), im Bild mit seiner Schwester Elisa
Modernisieren. MŸnchen, Haus Payr, Kinderzimmer von Elisa (5) und Valentin (1,5)